
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

Salamantis1/30/2009 8:50:41 pm PST

re: #463 swamprat

He certainly appears to be in good company. Thomas Aquinas and Paul of Tarsus were not slouches. Many regard Christianity as a reasonable persuasion. I do. But I object to dishonest misstatements, false credentials and willful ignorance taking the place of honest debate. I have seen patterns of the same arguments put forth over and over, by people who have no interest in whether or not they are making any sense, but only post to defend their own misunderstanding of what is being discussed. I doubt if a salient point against evolution would be acknowledged here, but so far there is no fear that such a point would ever be posted because all we get are parrots reading talking points verbatim from the creationist blogs.

Further to those posting here with an agenda;

Please. Stop reading anti-this and anti-that crap from people telling you what to think. Do your own research. Put your brain in gear. Reach your own conclusions. You may get dinged, but it will be your own ding and not a proxy from some guy moving your lips.

Well, so far, no salient point has been made against evolutionary theory - by anyone, anywhere.