
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/16/2009 4:34:09 am PST

re: #455 Marvo76

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond’s name…

To which I object. Even if Bonds spent some time using steroids to help him add muscle, that did not make him hit home runs. I doubt if any other person who has taken/ is taking steroids could hit home runs in the profusion that Bonds did.

The obsession with nanny-statism in sports, especially one like baseball in which injuries are usually not a big problem, is due to a misbegotten belief that everyone has to have a “fair” playing field.

But life is not fair, and to deny any athlete from their due acclaim because society did not approve of a part of the method is wrong.