
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Gus7/28/2009 3:31:01 pm PDT

Well what do you know. I try to avoid referencing HuffPo but I just came across this headline:

Blue Dog Democrats Reach Out To GOP “About Joining Forces To Slow” Health Care

The Blue Dog revolt against the House leadership’s health care overhaul took a new turn Tuesday morning, when a several members of the centrist faction made overtures to House Republicans about joining forces to slow and reshape the bill.

Republican aides said there was great interest among GOP lawmakers in trying to work with dissidents in the 52-member Blue Dog Coalition to try to stop the legislation. “Blue Dogs will be the main event all week,” said one GOP aide, referring to efforts by Republicans to woo Blue Dogs.

Needless to say there are some exploding heads in the comments section and some references to “DINOs.”

Link to article.