
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/04/2010 8:10:36 am PST

re: #440 LudwigVanQuixote

Our energy policy isn’t much of a policy so much as a joke.

It’s my belief that nuclear is the way to go and that the Administrations - both D and R have botched this so royally that we’re stuck with the status quo. A price shock might get more action, but as we’re seeing, the Administration appears willing to set aside millions of acres out West for no development, including for wind and solar power; California’s Sen. Feinstein wants the Administration to declare 2 million acres of prime wind/solar power lands as national monuments to thwart that development.

I would have been far happier with the ARRA of 2009 had it included hundreds of billions for actual infrastructure construction and nuclear energy guarantees - such as funds for the construction of dozens of new nuclear plants, a national repository, or alternative plans to deal with high and low level nuclear wastes that now sit at hundreds of sites - many adjacent to the very nuclear plants and are not nearly as secure as they should be because they were never meant to be a permanent solution. That would have been money well spent - and gone to not only wean us off oil, but promoted clean energy in the process. A natural twofer.