
Video: Sphere

Gus1/03/2012 1:58:47 am PST

Those guys have no clue. They have no clue about what kind of position the president of the United States is put in. They have no clue about the clear and present danger that we’re always presented with and about our enemies and how they wish to destroy us. They’re afraid of this? I lived through the Cold War. This is nothing. Obama has one piece of shit by the name of Anwar al-Awlaki taken out and these college boys are peeing their pants.

What for and why? Because Anwar al-Awlaki deserved his rights? He wasn’t even a US citizen by the time he was blown to kingdom come. He knew his fate and met it. And drone help minimize death to others. Which is something that Anwar al-Awlaki would never have granted us. They want peace, peace. Then keep dreaming to have some psychotic driveling idiot like Dennis Kucinich in the White House. A fool that would lower our guard so much that even Honduras would be capable of invading the USA.

You can’t go overboard with unilateral war but neither can you go overboard with unilateral peace. That has been proven time and time again. We are far from a stable world and human being are fallible and unpredictable. We still have enemies. People still have hatred in their blood and never forget it. You can’t let your guard down and Obama knows this. Those that don’t are living in a bubble.