
Seth Meyers on Another Crazy News Day: Stormy Daniels Sues, Gary Cohn Quits, Trump Talks North Korea

KGxvi3/08/2018 11:37:50 am PST

re: #458 freetoken

Personally, assuming the Democrats end up with 51 Senators next year, I think it won’t be that hard to find 15 Republican Senators who would like to see Trump gone, or have enough internal morals left to remove a President due to crimes regardless of party pressure.

Let’s assume Democrats hold all their seats and pick up Nevada and Arizona, giving them 51 votes. How many remaining Republicans would vote for removal? Let’s play the game:

1. Ted Cruz (assuming he holds off O’Rourke and is chastised a bit by a close race, or more realistically he sees it as a means of being able to run in 2020)
2. Lisa Murkowsi
3. John McCain (health allowing, and because he’s a crotchty old man who doesn’t like Trump)
4. Marco Rubio (again, it means a chance to run in 2020; problem is it would require courage)
5. Susan Collins
6. Ben Sasse
7. Rand Paul (2020 run, dislike of Trump, got high and said “guilty” instead of “not guilty”)
8. Lindsay Graham (because McCain told him to)
9. Mitt Romney (because it’s the closest he’ll ever get to flipping off both Trump and Putin)

I’m not sure who else would be persuadable. Mostly because I don’t know enough about them or the dynamics of their home states. Then again, depending on the nature of the evidence against Trump (and his approval rating continuing to drop), a whole host of Republicans could see it being in their best interest.