
Brand New Video: Stephen Colbert Predicts Republican Tactics if Dr. Blasey Ford Testifies Next Week

Jay C9/21/2018 11:35:35 am PDT

re: #457 KGxvi

And after listening to Pod Save America yesterday, I’m not entirely sure we won’t see a John Marshall situation after the midterms, with the Dems taking the Senate and McConnell saying “fuck it, hold a vote” whether it’s Kavanaugh or not.

I don’t think so. McConnell’s on a sworn mission to get Kavanaugh onto the SC, regardless of any other circumstances, and to do so ASAP. If he can’t get the votes in September or October, he’s not going to have them in November. And if he doesn’t have the votes (or doesn’t think he has), Brett Kavanaugh will likely decide that spending more time with his lawyers family is a better option, and withdraw - rather than give Democrats the “win” of seeing Trump’s (heartily-endorsed) nominee get shot down. Especially if the election is looming.