
AMA Endorses Health Care Reform Bill

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/19/2010 2:00:03 pm PDT

re: #435 keloyd

I think he means when a section of the country that was under the economic thumb of the North tried to leave the union, as was it’s right under the Constitution, being a living, breathing document, then was crushed by the North, including 4 slave states, then we’re told they were the good guys 6 generations later, even though the Emancipation Proclamation only outlawed slavery in the rebelling states, even tho de facto, the union army enslaved many runaways.

Also, my maternal grandmother knew people who were witnesses to Sherman’s war crimes. You don’t need 6 degrees like Kevin BAcon for this one, I can get there in 2.

Devil his due - “states’ rights” for the last 70 years has been a dog whistle for some pretty vile stuff.

The North weren’t saints don’t get me wrong but I just hate the glamorizing of the confederacy and acting like only they were victimized. What about Southern attrocities such as Fort Pillow where surrendered Black soldiers were butchered. Make no mistake I don’t think the North was perfect or even for the most part had great motives during the war but the romanticizing of the old South sickens me and the use of “states rights” to condone nasty shit from slavery to lynching to denying people the right to vote. I should add that I am a Southerner myself too.