
Sen. Cornyn: Limbaugh and Gingrich Comments 'Terrible'

Sharmuta5/29/2009 11:30:41 am PDT

re: #399 avanti

Steele weighs in on the issue at hand.


RNC chair Michael Steele, guest-hosting on Bill Bennett’s radio show early this morning, repeatedly distanced himself from Republicans and conservatives who have been harshly attacking Sonia Sotomayor, saying the assault risked damaging the party.

Steele also appeared to suggest that such attacks were a non-starter because the liberal media, and MSNBC in particular, would use them to damage the GOP.

In what seemed like an effort to distance the party from claims that Sotomayor is “racist” and an “Affirmative Action” pick, Steele repeatedly said that Republicans should be hailing the historic nature of Obama’s pick.

“I’m excited that a Hispanic woman is in this position,” Steele said. He added that instead of “slammin’ and rammin’” on Sotomayor, Republicans should “acknowledge” the “historic aspect” of the pick and make a “cogent, articulate argument” against her for purely substantive reasons.