
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

OneMonkeysUncle11/27/2009 10:24:13 pm PST

Just because I thought it was an excellent response, here’s a post in its entirety from down near the end of the cat-calling comments thread on the Charles’ original link:

Douglas Watts%P% 11.26.09 @ 2:05AM

It is axiomatic that you cannot rely upon the exact same temperature dataset that you declare is fraudulent as proof that the planet is cooling.

Or to put it as a theorem:

1. The right wing has been swearing up and down for the past 10 years that all of the data shows the planet is cooling.

2. The right wing is now swearing up and down that a vast worldwide conspiracy of scientists have deliberately falsified this same set data to show planet is warming.

If no. 1 is true, then no. 2 cannot be true.
If no. 2 is true, then no. 1 cannot be true.

Which is it?