
Tom Petty Tells Michele Bachmann to Knock It Off

blueraven6/29/2011 7:31:44 am PDT

All this mess going on in Greece. So I stated looking around a bit. Seems we are following in their footsteps. Yes they, and we, spend too much. But the wealthy get a pass and the tax system sucks!

Distribution of Income or Consumption by Percentage Share: Greece
Lowest 10% 3.0
Lowest 20% 7.5
Second 20% 12.4
Third 20% 16.9
Fourth 20% 22.8
Highest 20% 40.3
Highest 10% 25.3
Survey year: 1993 (latest I could find…I would bet it is worse now)

Read more: Greece Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Greece

Greek Wealth Is Everywhere but Tax Forms

Various studies, including one by the Federation of Greek Industries last year, have estimated that the government may be losing as much as $30 billion a year to tax evasion — a figure that would have gone a long way to solving its debt problems.

“We need to grow up,” said Ioannis Plakopoulos, who like all owners of newspaper stands will have to give receipts and start using a cash register under the new tax laws passed last month. “We need to learn not to cheat or to let others cheat.”