
Video: Sphere

Gus1/03/2012 2:21:28 am PST

re: #467 boxhead

We need to act like the adults. And as adults, we will have to put foot to ass once in a while as needed.

Yes. And it’s not that big a deal. People are blowing everything way out of proportion. Which is one of the reasons that the Greenwalds piss me off to no end because they’re spreading far more paranoia and misinformation than the Alex Jones’s of the world. He has been at it since 2002. Greenwald is a libertarian isolationist. He would prefer to dig his head in the sand as long as he can keep drinking his wine while living in his mansion and defending neo-Nazis once he gets his suspended license back. He’s a hack, a showman, a man that cares only about himself. Greenwald would sell out our allies in heart beat. He’s a faux or self-made politician that wouldn’t even last 4 minutes in the real political world. So instead he gets to write for Salon, a Delaware corporation and make friends with those other lowlifes at Gawker.