
Family's Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at Least Six Times, Twice in the Head, Not at Close Range

Lidane8/18/2014 7:46:57 am PDT

re: #465 Mattand

It’s amazing how comfortable people are with police brutality when your skin color guarantees it will never happen to you.

Pretty much. The chances of an unarmed white kid getting executed by police like Michael Brown are less than nil. If that ever DID happen, I can guarantee it would’ve been handled much differently than all this shit in Ferguson.

For fuck’s sake, white kids get away with crimes that a minority kid would get the death penalty for. Look at the “affluenza” case and tell me a black or brown kid could have walked. Our justice system is hopelessly skewed in favor of whites, so of course they don’t see the problem when a black kid gets summarily executed by a cop. Why would they? The system works in their favor.