
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

realwest6/20/2009 8:35:21 am PDT

re: #460 jcm

I’m hoping the brutality of the regime does two things.
Stiffens the resolve of the revolutionaries.
And inspires the rest of the world to condemn the regime.

Brutal Thugocracies seldom go quietly.

Well I hope it stiffens the resolve of the Iranian revolutionaries too, but don’t count on the rest of the world really coming down hard on the regime, especially when the U.S. - the “defender of the Free World” has been mostly silent until Congress - House and Senate passed resolutions MUCH stronger than anything President Obama has ever said before and that mofo Gibbs saying that that’s what Obama believes too - reckon Obama is too busy trying to swat flies to actually say something fucking meaningful about what’s happening today.

And he is supposedly talking (and yes, silence is a way of talking) FOR US! Damnit.