
NBA Player Jason Collins Says He's Gay, Breitbrats Get Their Smear On

EPR-radar4/29/2013 4:37:53 pm PDT

re: #43 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

Back in the goode olde days, people like Bryan enjoyed a privileged position because of their religious beliefs. Minorities were kept on one side of the tracks, the affluent white men on the other. Crime was as segregated as the people. Women were taking care of the children, house keeping and supper. Golf clubs had men only links and rooms. Kids and women who refused to do as they were told could be beat with impunity. Churches enforced the belief that all was as it should be.

That’s a lot to give up because of liberal causes.

Spot on.

Cue up the wicked witch of the West: My privilege! My beautiful privilege! It’s melting!