
Sunday Afternoon Short Animation: Palmipedarium

Dark_Falcon2/16/2014 5:48:02 pm PST

Missouri couple faces assault charges for shooting fast food worker with Nerf gun (VIDEO)

A prank at a fast food restaurant in the St. Louis suburb of Fenton Thursday has landed one couple in a bit of hot water after they pulled up to the drive-thru window and shot the restaurant worker with a foam dart from a Nerf gun.

Although the seemingly harmless joke did not actually injure anyone, police are still treating the matter very seriously.

According to local media, they drove through the drive-thru in a black SUV, but didn’t order any food. Instead, they pulled up to the window and simply shot the worker with the Nerf gun, striking her with a yellow foam dart before driving off.

The entire incident was caught on surveillance video and now 22-year-old Stephanie Winkler and 26-year-old Mark Applebaum are facing third-degree assault charges, a class C misdemeanor.

That sounds about right. Pranks like that are disruptive and abusive. Not worth jail time in my eyes, but a fine and some community service would remind those two not to pull this sort of thing again.