
The Police Are Out in Force Again in St. Louis

Scottish Dragon10/09/2014 9:22:31 pm PDT

Openly racist comments appearing at Policeone:

Sigsauer1 on Thursday, October 09, 2014 02:22 PM Pacific Report Abuse

Kenstah good point.. I too have posted in the past where are the Unions (who give to the dumbocrat party) to back us, the IACP & National Sheriff’s Association, Federal LE Unions need to speak out for us. The “RACE CARD” has been tossed out too many times and you can only cry WOLF so much. SCREW these ANIMALS. How many blacks will kill or wound other blacks tonight on our streets and in our communities?“Showing Restraint” is only going to bury our country. Vonderrit D. Myers mother has not seen him in a month if truth be told.

Sigsauer1 on Thursday, October 09, 2014 01:22 PM Pacific Report Abuse

“The police chief said some in the crowd Wednesday night shouted obscenities at officers and damaged police cars, but that the officers “showed great restraint.” I am sick of this restraint by LE. Kick their useless, welfare sucking asses and stand up for a civil society. Can’t work can you? Gotta riot and steal for a living. Pitiful animals. How many black were shot and wounded or killed last night in America by other blacks? It is done past getting old with the ones who pay the bills.