
The Sad State of Affairs at GotNews

CuriousLurker1/18/2015 12:53:16 pm PST

OT FYI - Great, now it’s apparently Haters vs. Haters with all the sane people stuck in the middle:

German anti-Islam rally canceled after threat to organizer

BERLIN - A weekly rally by a German group protesting what it calls “the Islamization of the West” was called off on Sunday because of a terrorist threat against one of its organizers, the group and authorities said. […]

Dresden police chief Dieter Kroll said in a statement that there was a “concrete” threat connected to a member of the PEGIDA team and Monday’s demonstration. In view of that, he issued an order barring any rallies in the city on Monday.

Kroll said there had been a call for attackers to mingle with the demonstrators and kill one of the protest organizers. He didn’t specify where the threat came from, or if any group was behind it, but said it resembled an Arabic-language Tweet describing PEGIDA as an “enemy of Islam.”

He said there was no information about any specific potential attacker or how exactly an attack might be carried out, which led officials to conclude that there was no way to prevent possible danger other than canceling the rally. […]