
We Got Some Seriously Deranged Mail

Pawn of the Oppressor1/27/2015 10:08:55 pm PST

No sense of irony, no understanding of art. The Right Wing, ladies and gentlemen.

“They made character so and so gay! They made character so and so lesbian/black/muslim! DEATH OF MURICUH!! WE’RE CRUMBLING!”

If these fucknuts actually knew anything about comics and superheroes they’d know that they get re-invented all the time to reflect the culture that produces them. How many times have the DC and Marvel multi-verses been re-shuffled and re-combined?

“They” made Green Lantern a black guy once. “They” sent Green Arrow and Green Lantern across America and dealt with drug addiction… Frank Miller basically has his own Earth in the DC Universe where Superman is doing Ronnie Reagan’s dirty work and Batman kills mutants… This stuff is all malleable and anybody who has an idea can write a story. “They” are just people making things up for fun and profit, which we all should enjoy.

Girl Ghostbusters just means a new way for the story to be funny. A new Fantastic 4 and one guy is brown-skinned? Great! The other movies sucked so bad, I don’t give a shit, the cast could be all black southern grandmas and I wouldn’t care.

Art is art. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. It’s that goddamned simple.