
A BBC Interview With XTC Maestro Andy Partridge

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge3/22/2015 2:28:32 am PDT

re: #46 Nyet

Dunno. Did she ever go against McCain? I mean, unlike with Obama, there really were legitimate questions about his eligibility. If she didn’t, she couldn’t have really been consistent.

Well, I was just being snarky, but you’re right, she didn’t go after McCain.

Now mind you, I think he was eligible—both his parents were natural-born citizens, so it doesn’t matter where he was born—but I think he thought what I had thought all my life till this crap hit the fan, that if you were born outside U.S. territory you were disqualified.

That’s why he put out that first bio that said he was born in a hospital in the Canal Zone that wasn’t even there at the time. Now, it doesn’t matter that he was born in Coln—outside the Canal Zone—but putting out that fraudulent bio should have knocked him out of the race, and possibly into Leavensworth.