
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

BeachDem5/27/2015 5:21:30 pm PDT

Back from seeing Hillary in Columbia. What fun! Will probably do a page later, when my friends send me all their photos. Just a few highlights:

1. If you watch any footage of her speech, you’ll see that there’s a blonde lady with a white necklace standing beside/behind Hillary. That’s my friend Sally! When we were driving home, her facebook page looked like a ticker tape as people kept commenting about seeing her.

2. Of our particular group of 5, 1 was interviewed by a local MB TV station; 1 by a Charleston station; 1 by a Swedish newspaper and I was interviewed by the New York Times.

3. Our county was the only one Hillary carried in SC in 2008. She remembered, and we got a photo of her with our county Dem Women.

4. She looked great, was very at ease and gave a really positive, “connected” speech. (I don’t know why all the stories are talking about her “drawl.” I didn’t notice it at all.) The speech was at a women’s event, so she talked a lot about pay equality for women, family issues, etc. Totally upbeat—no nastiness (OK, a tiny bit of snark about the clown car) and very positive.

5. She told some funny anecdotes and stories, the best being about how the presidency ages people, and how all of the recent presidents have gone gray/white while in office. She pointed out that that will not happen to her, as she’s been coloring her hair for years and isn’t about to stop.

6. Carly Fiorina was holding a press conference at the Hilton, but I don’t think anyone showed up (they were all at the Marriott for Hillary) so Carly came over and walked up the street where all the press trucks were, and was pretty much ignored there too. While she was trying to make her point, there was one doofus protester walking along with a misspelled BENGHAZI!! sign.

More later…