
Watchdog Groups: Trump Broke Federal Law With Fundraising Emails to Foreign Politicians

Ubiq6/29/2016 11:54:09 am PDT

Not to be a killjoy, but this is probably a case of some prankster adding these email addresses to his database via his website. The odds that he’s actually this dumb (particularly given that the targeted politicians seem to include a lot of obvious Trump haters) is very low.

If any of them actually give money, he will likely get a cranky note from the FEC and be forced to give the money back. This isn’t uncommon - all candidates get them, and you may remember that Sanders had 600+ pages of FEC violations. Yes, campaigns should do a better job of detecting and weeding out foreign and excess contributions, but both Trump and Sanders have such stunted campaign organizations that they really never developed the bandwidth or structure to do it well.