
Saturday Shred: Nick Johnston, "Poison Touch"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/03/2016 6:28:51 pm PST

re: #44 Charles Johnson

Know-nothing fans who’ve been propagandized and brainwashed by many years of home-schooling and Fox News and the rest of the right wing noise machine. While the GOP machine gerrymandered and passed voter restrictions laws and worked tirelessly to advance their regressive agenda.

Liberals were caught sleeping in this election. It’s time to wake up.

I’ll say it. We overestimated this country. It’s like this old Adlai Stevenson story. Why, Mr. Stevenson, you’ll win the vote of every thinking man and woman I know. Why, thank you madam but i need a majority was the retort. Maybe that’s why my one grandmother loved Adlai. Witty guy.