
Crowded House: A New Performance of "Don't Dream It's Over" on the Late Show

mmmirele8/23/2021 6:28:27 pm PDT

re: #42 EPR-radar

When I was in 4th grade or so, I had a disagreement with Grandma about creationism vs. evolution. I’m sure I was very tactless about it in the way little kids are, and to her credit Grandma never told me I was bound for Hell.

When I was quite a bit older than 4th grade (maybe in my early 40s), my mother was shocked when I told her I didn’t believe in Noah’s Ark. I then proceeded to make it worse by blithely pointing out that I could prove before her eyes that Noah’s Ark could not have happened. All I’d need was an aquarium, some freshwater fish and some saltwater fish. “But some fish would have to die…” I finished up.

Mom was quite upset with me. Later, my dad took me aside and told me that I could not discuss “religion” with mom ever again. So no, she knows nothing about the picketing as a result.