
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

zombie3/05/2009 5:51:54 pm PST

[Citing comments psoted at Ace of Spades]

2 “I see no call for censorship by Zombie, only straightforward criticism of the Islamists’ duplicitous speech. We need more of that, not less. Posted by: Tantor”

“14 Hear, Hear, but, FTR, I don’t think Zombie was calling for censorship. Posted by: Techie.”

“19 I don’t think Zombie’s post was a call for the banning or removal of these ads from the busses. I thought it was more of a criticism of San Fransisco libs… Posted by: conservativeinthecity”

“29 I also read zombies article as a critique of the liberals who are taking it all “sitting down” when obviously they would be going nuts if these were Christian ads. I didn’t see anything that called for this to be banned. Posted by: iDoc”

“43 After reading this post, I was disappointed in LGF. Then I went and looked at LGF and Zombie—there is no call for censorship. LGF says almost nothing, merely referring readers to Zombie, and Zombie even mentions that CAIR/ICNA have a right to advertise if they so choose. Pretty misleading post, Uncle Jimbo. Posted by: Smiley”

“61 …if one reads her actual article linked to by LGF, her summation is exactly this point. Jimbo may need to do a retraction on this one. Posted by: sithkhan” “

77 Why is Jimbo taking criticism of the ads as criticism of allowing them to be shown? Criticism of the ads IS free speech. …For her part, Zombie merely notes that Christian speech is routinely protested in SF by marches etcetera … Posted by: Alec Rawls”

From me: THANK YOU to all of you for pointing this out. I have never in my life come out in favor of censorship or against free speech. Neither in this “bus ad” post nor in any other post.

[From Jimbo]:
“71 As some of you have pointed out Zombie was not advocating restricting their speech just pointing out the hypocrisy and the weakness of the lefties who tolerate the creeping sharia. The free speech whining was from another religionist. My bad, but retractions hide the stupidity, so I just added a note to the peace noting my lack of coherence. I also clarified that Islamists not Islam in toto are offensive. I’m sure I fucked up some other stuff too, but that’s enough for now.

Cordially, Uncle J”

[From me]:
I still don’t see your added note. The Ace post still seems to be focused on how people were calling for these ads to be banned. Maybe it will update later? In any case, thanks for being responsive to this. Sorry my original post allowed for misinterpretation — it wasn’t intentional.

Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2009 07:54 PM (lGa4I)