
Bobby Jindal Signs Mandatory Ultrasound Law with No Rape Exemption

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/08/2010 11:31:58 am PDT

re: #40 iceweasel

BTW, lawhawk reminded me that I was going to do a page on this earlier: More Jindal craziness:

Jindal Signs ‘Gun-In-Church’ Bill, Allowing Congregants To Bring Concealed Weapons To Worship

So let’s recap. Carrying a gun all the time, even to church? RiGHtS ISHYOO!
Forced pregnancy and medical rape? Some pesky ‘female’ thing and not a big deal.

Wingnut Values in action, folks.

Now I have to agree with the gun in church thing. After all if the preacher starts talking bout social justice or the way that being Chist like means being humble, loving and caring for the poor and down trodden, he is clearly a Godless Commie and needs to be shot.

Besides, it will make the little tea and cookie events after services much more entertaining.
