
We Got Mail!

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/15/2010 5:28:50 pm PDT

One thing I often hear repeated by the press regarding the Tea Partiers is that they are allegedly “well-educated”. Granted, I know lots of college-educated dumbshits, but I have an exceptionally hard time believing that the Tea Party activists are, on the whole, anything resembling “well-educated”.

Does anyone have any idea where this data comes from?

Even NPR called Christine O’Donnell “sharp”. Either their definition of “sharp” differs substantially from mine, or I’m missing an awful lot of information.

From their own damn story:

In 2008, her house fell into foreclosure and was scheduled for auction, until a friend and campaign worker bought it from her. She was then audited by the IRS. In an interview with NPR in August, she suggested that the audit was politically motivated.

“I ran against Joe Biden and I was audited,” she said. “My mother’s business was audited, and many other members of my family were audited.” Asked why she thought she was audited, she said, “Who knows? It could be thug politics. It could be intimidation tactics. Either way, it didn’t stop me.”

At the end of the audit, she says, the IRS slapped a tax lien on the house, which had already been sold.

“See, that’s the other thing … what makes it really funny,” she said. “Because it’s an $11,000 tax lien on a home that I sold in 2008, so I didn’t even own the home when they put a tax lien on it.”

O’Donnell calls the lien a computer error. She says it’s been cleared up, but it’s still on her credit report. She earns very little money now and pays half of her rent with campaign donations. She says that’s justified because she’s running her campaign out of her house.

And it recently came to light that her alma mater, Fairleigh Dickinson University, didn’t issue her a degree in 1993 because she still owed it money.

All of this, O’Donnell says, is actually good for her: It shows that she’s not a millionaire.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot, over. THAT IS NOT EVIDENCE OF “SHARPNESS”.