
Protests Rock the Middle East and N. Africa

researchok2/03/2011 1:41:11 pm PST

re: #43 marjoriemoon

Right. Well, like all good dictators do, they have to have an outside enemy which is the cause of all the troubles. Diverts attention away from themselves and gives the people a “real” reason to be angry.

But if all of this sort of explodes at the same time, which it appears to be doing (even Jordan had protests earlier this week), I don’t see how they can continue to promote that kind of thinking.

A lot has to do with image.

Do they want real democracy and change or do they just want to ‘look good’?

You cannot claim to want democracy if you are satisfied with the MB representing you. That is the equivalent of saying the KKK can represent the real democratic aspirations of an oppressed people. Repressive groups replacing other repressive groups have nothing to do with democracy- that is about ideological war, with ham fisted leaders at the helm. Democracies don’t threaten other democracies with war.

Elections do not a democracy make. Hamas is proof of that.

Democracies are all about institutions that offer equal protections and access.