
Tech Note: jQuery 1.6 Installed, All Systems Go

tigger20055/03/2011 3:15:07 pm PDT

Off the geek topic…it really FREAKS ME OUT how many people I know and care about have drunk the Kool-Aid. I put up a post on Facebook about how insane the “Where’s the PROOF bin Laden’s really dead” meme is, and one friend responded, “Well, what people are saying is…they showed pictures of Billy the Kid…so come on fork over the proof…and what did they do with his son’s body…” blah blah blah crazy crazy blah!

How did people’s neurons get so twisted? Is it the hole in the ozone? WHAT?? Why is thinking semi-logically so painfully HARD for so many? Don’t they understand that if they can actually believe the President is capable of a lie of this magnitude, he is then more than capable of faking a stupid death photograph?