
Video: Chris Matthews and Barney Frank vs. Hate Group Leader Tony Perkins

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/11/2012 1:36:30 pm PDT

It looks like Nebraska has another museum:

Bow man opens museum dedicated to creation

BROKEN BOW—Steve Sommer has a passion for challenging the theory of evolution—enough so that he is working tirelessly on a very special museum dedicated to that challenge. The Bone Yard Creation Museum is set to open some time this summer. Steve is shooting for mid to late June, but that is still up in the air. When completed, however, the museum will be quite the attraction. The museum and its counterpart, The Book Pile, is located along west Highway 2 in Broken Bow. “It (the museum) contrasts creative science with evolution—such things as how the earth originated and how you interpret fossils, with two totally different points of view,” Sommer explains. “Evolution says “big bang” around 13 billion years ago, while creationism is a direct interpretation of the Bible, which is in terms of thousands of years.”

Too bad that Brit guy won’t be going through Nebraska. He will though hit up the Creation Museum in KY, though I suspect the smaller one in Nebraska would feel a bit homier.