
Video: Jon Stewart Reams Heartless House Republicans Over Hurricane Relief Fail

lawhawk1/08/2013 11:17:18 am PST

I can’t wait to see what any of the 67 GOPers do when the next natural disaster comes a calling on their home district (and we’re going into flood season along the Mississippi/Missouri rivers and tornado season in the Southeast and Tornado Alley, to be followed by hurricane season once again.

Will they accept months of delay before meekly accepting the aid doled out to them or will they be in front of the cameras and writing letters to the President and FEMA and NFIP demanding immediate assistance?

Based on past behavior? They’ll be demanding their fair share of disaster aid - with no setoffs. Now.

They’re hypocrites. And they deserve to be called out for their hypocrisy at every step of the way.