
GOP Debate Thread 4: Cleaning Up the Clown Mess

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/16/2015 8:50:50 am PST

Have I ever said that NationalJournal makes my ass tired?

This New Hampshire Town Is Decidedly Not “Trump Country”

“Trump’s do­ing so well right now be­cause all the reas­on­able can­did­ates have di­vided con­stitu­en­cies. And it’s killing us,” said Steph­en Er­ick­son, a real es­tate broker who was among those at the bar. He said he cur­rently fa­vors former Hew­lett-Pack­ard CEO Carly Fior­ina and Sen. Rand Paul of Ken­tucky—but his over­rid­ing con­cern is to make sure Trump is de­feated. “He’s ter­rible. I can’t em­phas­ize that enough.”

These people are incredibly delusional.