

J.D.7/26/2009 6:27:46 pm PDT

Teenage bombers are rescued from Taleban suicide training camps

…The Taleban turned to children as potential suicide bombers because they were impressionable, less likely to be detected, and better able to reach their targets.

“They are told that the Pakistani Army has become an enemy of Islam, as it is fighting for Christians and Jews,” said a senior official involved in the interrogation of potential suicide bombers who have surrendered or been captured.

On the day of a planned attack, the designated suicide bomber is taken to a mosque to be congratulated for being chosen by God. “Sometimes he is also heavily drugged before the attack,” the official said.

The children were told that they should not allow anyone, even their parents, to get in the way of jihad. “You must not hesitate even to kill your parents if they are on the wrong side,” said Kurshid Khan, 14, who was selected for training which could have taken him to South Waziristan. …