
Stephen Colbert on Yesterday's Most Pathetic News: Sean Hannity Puts the President to Bed Each Night

FormerDirtDart πŸ•πŸ€ No Capt'n 😷 Trips5/15/2018 9:13:35 pm PDT

All Sunday I had sewer gas burping up from my toilet and tub drain.
Cut the on-call maintenance guy a break, he lives all they way out by the beaches and it was Mothers Day. Called in urgent work order Monday morning to snake the gay-water line and clear the lake of sewage at the clean-out port below my next-door neighbors bedroom window.
Line snaked, sewage residue cleared.
This morning there’s a small pond of sewage at the clean-out port below my bedroom window. Stopped at office on way to store to report problem.
By lunchtime line snaked, residue cleared.
Little while ago I have sewer gas burping up from toilet and tub drain. Flush toilet and it almost reaches the brim, and gray water flows up from tub drain.. looked out window, small pond of water and TP over clean-out port.

Oh yeah. Had sewer line snaked mid last week after two days of toilet burping and slow draining.

This has been a regular, every month and a half-or-three occurrence, for the last two years. But, this is ridiculous