
Sen. Cornyn: Limbaugh and Gingrich Comments 'Terrible'

iceweasel5/29/2009 11:31:14 am PDT

re: #340 opnion

I don’t think that she actually has a track record on abortion rulings.
She did join in an opnion to allow pro life demonstrations near clinics, but that was a First Amendment case.

You are correct—she has no track record in re: issues involving Roe v Wade, and very little info is around about what she might think about Roe.

She has three cases involving abortion issues—one involving prolife demo’s, which she allowed. and another on the federal funding of abortion, where she ruled that the gov has the right to withhold funding if that’s what they want to do. In all three cases she ruled in favour of the anti-choice people.

These are rulings that should reassure conservatives and are currently causing liberals a lot of alarm.

Here is a good article in the WSJ describing the cases and explaining why the info we have suggests she’s a centrist or a moderate: