
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

Land Shark8/07/2009 12:12:44 pm PDT

re: #419 Creeping Eruption

I work for a company that represents medical equipment manufacturers. The ones I’ve discussed the issue with say it isn’t just about pay off amounts, it’s about the money they have to spend to keep a legion of lawyers, especially lawyers with experience in those fields on call to defend themselves. And even if they go to trial and win, the costs are always substantial. There’s also the cost of testing above and beyond what’s reasonable in order to present evidence that they did their due diligence and did every thing possible to ensure the safety of the product.

One manufacturer in particular opened their books to us during a sales meeting to show us that the cost of lawyers, defending themselves and testing above and beyond the point of reason literally doubled the price of their equipment. And they have yet to lose a case brought against them ‘cause they don’t settle and fight every case. It was an eye opening session, to say the least.