
Cable News Slapfight!

Hawaii699/18/2009 4:49:19 pm PDT

re: #49 tradewind

You don’t hear much about the way that the San Joaquin valley farm industry is literally dying because of the EPA protection of the freaking delta smelt… a two inch fish… that denies water to the farmers… at least Fox has covered that.

FOX “covered” it by ranting that “the government cares more about fish than farmers”. Another simplistic take on reality, on their part.

The San Joaquin was never an ideal place for agriculture. The farming there was started up purely by the use of artificial irrigation, and on a speculative bet that they would always be able to divert enough water to continue farming.

They try to put the face of small time farmers on this story, but what you have in the San Joaquin Valley corporate agriculture interests who made huge profits from unsound water speculation and irrigation practices.

Now that someone is pointing out that it is unsound and unsustainable, they are wailing about “fish over people!”

It’s a load of crap.