
Video: GOP Embraces Misogynistic Extremism

Walter L. Newton8/06/2010 7:31:34 am PDT

re: #464 Gus 802

That’s exactly what I’ve been seeing. Dozens of specific software experience requirements. Not only the software but right down to the release version or year. It really angers me having started with pencil and pen which didn’t have “new releases” over a period of almost 100 years.

Now, we have to keep up with specific software in order to get some job in a cubicle? I’m using software at home that’s almost 9 years old and it does and I do more with that than your average office clone that is using the latest software that produces the same end result of working drawings.

That last point is moot at this point. No one needs any working drawings because no one is building anything. About the only ones that are getting work are the lucky few engineering firms that might be getting the few road building and infrastructure projects created by the “stimulus” funds.

Yes… and I think you will remember me making this point many time before, but those “lucky few engineering firms” are the same firms that local and state governments have had in their pockets for ever.

The stimulus did not open the job market up to new blood, it simply helped pad the pockets of all the “good old boy” contractors and firms that have been sucking off the public funds teats for years.

And these firms already had contracts, already were working on projects. You should know that. Look around town. How many NEW projects have been started because of stimulus funds?

All the stimulus funds did was go to people who already had the work, and cities and states have still run out of money to pay for day to day public sector services.

Wonder why? I don’t.