
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/04/2011 6:56:27 pm PDT

re: #465 Charles

That’s pretty obvious, and maybe you should decide whether you want to continue putting up with them. Because I don’t need this shit, and I’ll make the decision if you don’t.

Charles, I am more than a little shocked to see you write this.

As far as I am concerned here the issue is whether or not any religious group has a right to stake a claim to another religious group’s holiest sites over the objections of that first group.

There is nothing more to it than that in this discussion. Yes the various discussions have spiraled all over the place the past several days, but this is really the core. A sacrifice for peace yielded no peace, and by claiming that others have rights to the sacrifice ignores the existence of it in the first place.

I am offended by people saying that anyone else has a right to my holiest spot. Even without the religious aspect, there is the national point that if we Jews ourselves do not care about the symbols of our culture, how can we expect others to?

I understand why the state of Israel did not remove the mosques. I understand the vain hope that this would bring peace as well as a certain secular/religious split in the Jewish people.

I am offended that I am being called all sorts of names because others here demand I have to accept false claims. I have seen people I thought were friends be appalled that I should claim such a simple thing - something that everyone knows is true.

But that is not the point.

Right now I am asking you man to man, friend to friend as someone who has spent many hours sticking up for you and never failed to do so, Are you denying my right to be offended at this? Why should my people just lump it? Why are our claims less than others in our own land at our most sacred spot? This is the sub context of the message here.

Apparently to claim that the Temple is Jewish property alone makes me Kahanist and like Pam Gellar and a “fake.” On the contrary, it makes me honest. I would argue that a church built on Mecca had no right to be there either.

I am asking if you are enforcing a certain denial of the truth because it is currently not popular with some posters.

I can not believe you honestly are telling me that. And if you are telling me that, I don’t want to be here, no matter how many friends I have here or how much I have enjoyed posting through the years.