
Presidential Debate 2: The Wrap-Up

Dr Lizardo10/10/2016 7:12:00 am PDT

re: #465 Rocky-in-Connecticut

Trump is the Daddy in what has been our right wing’s historical divorce from the rest of the country and from the world that has been occurring since 1994 or so. Up until 1994, our right wing played around with leaving, but never really felt they had to because they felt they always had the upper hand. But Clinton’s presidency really rattled them to their core. This is why they hate the Clintons so much. Bill and Hillary embodied the Change that our country has been going through on a very personal level. They want their Andy Griffith fake-1950’s world back and have left the house. Now they want a Divorce.

The American right wing constitutes about 2% of the world’s population and they want to divorce themselves from 98% of the world.

Mars needs pioneers. Just sayin’.