
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

3 wood2/11/2009 10:23:25 am PST

Tim “Thud” Geithner is pissing on the market again today:

Geithner ‘can live’ with market fall

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Wednesday shrugged off the strong negative reaction to his bank rescue plan, saying that if he gave Wall Street what it really wanted, then taxpayers would be left holding the bag.

Wall Street shares plunged Tuesday after Geithner unveiled the outline of the Obama administration’s plan to rescue bankrupt banks. Analysts said investors were looking for details of how the toxic assets on bank balance sheets would be sold.

“I understand the desire for details, and I understand the disappointment about the lack of details today,” Geither said in testimony before the Senate Budget Committee.

“But part of the disappointment is because people were hoping that we do things that, in my judgment, would have been too generous and not responsible for the taxpayers’ money,” Geithner said.

“I do not want to compound the mistakes of the last 12 months, when things were rushed out before they were ready, and strategy had to be adapted because of that. If that means that there is going to be disappointment with the level of details until we get it right, I will live with that disappointment because it is better than the alternative,” he said.

Some of details Geithner to which referred include those surrounding the creation of a “bad bank” that would warehouse the toxic assets on the books of banks and other financial institutions.

Hey Geithner, you are a part of this situation all along, moron. There is no “rushing out” about it. You were advertised as being ready to hit the ground running on day 1. So show it.

Also, just who do you think owns most of the stock on Wall Street, you twit? The taxpayers do, that’s who. So, when you screw around and puke on your shoes like you did yesterday, you are directly hurting the taxpayers who have their life savings and retirement 401k’s wrapped up in that market you trashed yesterday.

Folks. This guy Geithner has no idea what to do. It’s like the scene in Color of Money when Paul Newman tells Tom Cruise, “You have no idea what to do, do you? You couldn’t find Big Time with a road map.”

Well “thud” Geithner, you are in the biggest of Big Time now, the Major Leages, the Show, and you need bring your “A” game, now.

If that was Geithner’s “A” game yesterday, we are so screwed.