
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

SanFranciscoZionist3/22/2010 12:16:36 pm PDT

re: #461 marjoriemoon

hehe Well you can repent, but you have to physically change during your life, in Judaism anyway. You have to become a good person.

You know, I always think of King David in this scenario. I mean, his personal house was not in good order. Rather awful in many respects, yet he is regarded as one of our greatest scholars for what he did for his people, the country and the legacy he left behind. Not just the Temple, but his writings and his military prowess. I’m not sure I understand it all, but it’s fascinating to me.

David was an enormously complicated man. Powerplays, eight wives, uncounted concubines, murders, rape and incest amongst the children, betrayal by various sons, his whole insane relationship to Saul’s family…

And yet he is remembered as a good king, a great warrior, and the author of the Psalms.

A very whole person. Totally unclassifiable.