
Sarah Palin: Shakespeare Did It Too, You Meanies

Vicious Babushka7/18/2010 9:12:37 pm PDT

re: #438 iceweasel

Excuse me— does he hate all settlers, Alouette, or just the ones in illegal settlements?
Does he hate all ‘religious Jews’? What exactly does ‘religious Jew’ mean in this context?

i know some Israelis who despise some the illegal settlers, and they’d get plenty pissed if someone suggested they weren’t a ‘religious Jew’. Just sayin.

I’m having trouble understanding why haaretz would be publishing someone who hated ‘all religious jews’ and was a ‘hamas enabling shill’. Perhaps you can enlighten me, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Here is my guide to Israeli media.

Haaretz is a leftist organ. They are generally accurate as far as news articles go, but very pro-Palestinian and very much against “settlers” (anyone who lives outside the 1949 cease-fire lines) and generally against “Haredi” (“ultra-Orthodox”) Jews who live anywhere in Israel.

YNet (Yediot Aharonot) is ferociously anti-haredi, but has been known to defend the settlers and religious Zionists from time to time, and to attack them at other times. They are primarily a tabloid.

Jerusalem Post tries to be middle of the road but they have some moonbats writing anti-settler and anti-religious op-eds. (Larry Derfner and Gershon Baskin)

Arutz 7 ( is the wingnut Israeli equivalent of Fox News.