
Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

McSpiff4/29/2012 8:49:41 am PDT

Morning Lizards,re: #446 darthstar (click me, I dare ya)

I know…you live in a world where secret assassin man with a price can go in and kill the bad guys, but don’t worry…it’ll all be better when Jesus comes back.

Downvoted because this adds nothing to the discussion and because quite frankly you’ve demonstrated nothing more than a cartoonish level of knowledge about the operations in Afganistan. If you want to have an honest discussion about this, you could do worse than starting with Rand’s How Insurgencies End. In a nutshell, the terrain and Afghan society lend itself well to the Taliban, but cutting off the flow of support from Pakistan and a baseline of support to the Afghan National Government + time can lead to a favorable outcome.