
New Obama Campaign Ad: Go to the Emergency Room

NJDhockeyfan9/25/2012 8:37:46 am PDT

re: #470 lawhawk

That may be related to ongoing battles between the Turkish military and PKK.

It’s no surprise the fighting is spilling over Syria’s borders. Jordan and Turkey have seen it and now Israel has too.

Syrian Fighting Reaches Israel: Mortar Shells Fall in Northern Golan Heights

The Syrian fighting has also reached the borders of Israel: several mortar shells exploded in Israeli agricultural areas, near the Israeli-Syrian border in the northern Golan Heights. No injuries or damage were reported as having been caused from to the falling shells.

The shells were apparently fired by the Syrian military, in the framework of the combat with the Syrian opposition forces, which began more than a year and a half ago. From what is known, the fire occurred near seven in the morning, and according to assessments, it originated from the area of the Syrian village Jubta Al-Hashab.

The shells fell in open areas on the Israeli side of the border, without causing casualties or damage. The IDF’s Northern Command emphasized that the fire was part of the internal Syrian conflict which leaked to Israel, and was not deliberately fired towards the border.

In recent weeks, the combat between the parties in Syria has intensified, and there are those who say that it is beginning to approach the point where the balance will be tilted. A senior Syrian general who defected from the ranks of President Assad’s forces said in an interview that the regime has discussed the possibility of using chemical weapons against the opposition forces, should it appear that it is on the brink of collapse.

If chemical weapons fall in Israel the shit is going to hit the fan.