
Florida City Cancels 'Tea Party' Because Organizers Refuse to Get Insurance

summergurl3/29/2009 2:59:57 pm PDT

re: #218 eclectic infidel

If this event is as important as it seems to be to a specific group of people, and insurance is mandatory in order for it to happen, charging a nominal fee probably isn’t going to be a big deal. I mean, I get the impression that the tea parties, though grassroot in origin, are symptomatic of a need for real change regarding taxation. I could be wrong, as I am not intimately involved in this particular political scene of course.

Maybe the issue here is she is calling it an “event”. If you protest and march in the streets would that be considered an event or freedom of speech? The lady who organized this should have had her ducks in a row beforehand. One of the earlier articles said she could have only 499 attendees and there would be a ranger there with a clicker. Ranger? Must be held at a park which is typically city owned property and requiring insurance would be a no brainer for any seasoned organizer. Maybe she should have called Code Pinkos for help in setting this up.