
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Gus11/27/2009 10:32:41 pm PST

re: #471 Mich-again

The easiest best way to reduce our nation’s carbon footprint is to get the municipal road crews in all the cities across the country to time the stoplights at the major intersections to keep traffic moving instead of stopping and starting for all the red lights. We could also change schools to a 4 day schedule to save 20% on the fuel for buses, cut the post office to from 6 to 4 day delivery schedule, and figure out how to perform major highway construction projects without creating mile long traffic backups. Those things would be enough to create a glut in the oil supply as well and would help the economy tremendously.

The best way to reduce consumption is to reduce waste.

Right. But, if you reduce the school week to 4 days you add 1 day of required day care. Probably no net gain since then the parents would have to drive the child to day care and then lose money.