
Overnight Open Thread

Jadespring4/28/2010 9:40:05 am PDT

re: #416 EmmmieG

Wal-mart in Round Rock Texas, about 2000 or so. I’m walking though and I see Pocahontas on a TV, which I had not bothered to see before. They are showing the scene in which she is singing about the color of the wind* and the voices of the mountain* and…and…cuddling a bear cub while Mama Bear watches.

I’m from the NW and I, yes, have been through basic wilderness training. My jaw dropped. It was wrong on so many levels. Indians would have known to stay away from Mama Bears. It’s Wilderness 101. If you see a Bear cub, just start running, because she will defend her cubs immediately and to the death. Obviously, the script was written by someone who has so romanticized nature that they think that singing animatronic beavers are close to accurate.

*If the wind has a color, I suggest you don’t breathe it, and don’t stand in it.

**The mountain does not sing. It plays percussion. Trust me.

Yes bears are so cuddly. //

The worst thing I’ve ever seen was a family with two toddlers walking closer to a bear that was wandering around park in order to get a picture of the kids with the bear in it. It was so ridiculous that when I and those I were with stood there stunned at what we were seeing. The husband was urging the mother and kids on, “Closer, just get closer, this will be a great picture.”

It didn’t take long for us to snap out of our disbelief and go an stop the woman and scare the bear off. Then the father got pissed and yelled at us.