
CPAC Live Video 1

rawmuse2/26/2009 7:45:55 pm PST

The way I see it, the American people voted to put their necks in the stocks, they actually worked their asses off and raised great sums of money to do it, so I say, let the chains of servitude to the Almighty State hang heavy around their worthy necks for a few years. They wanted Serfdom, let them eat all they want. For the rest of us who never wanted it, good luck, we will need it, because we are the new insurgents and the power of the State will be focused upon us, and policy differences will now be criminalized. We will not be broken in one fell motion, but piecemeal.

As for the young people who voted Obama in, shut and pay. Pay and pay some more. Pay until it hurts. Pay up, suckers. You wanted it. You wanted all of it. Work for the Man, all your life.

This is the only way Freedom and Liberty are going to be appreciated ever again. If ever.
Sorry to be a bummer. I really have no reason for optimism, and less with each passing day.
Goodnight, Lizards.