
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

HoosierHoops2/12/2009 5:31:47 pm PST

re: #452 vxbush

And some of us would do it again for our kids. It’s a calling.

Hi VX! nice seeing you here tonight..Guess what?
Mama is working late tonight and I told her I ordered pizza..She is expecting to come home home tonight to cold pizza, tired and pissed off about her day..
(she is in logistics..Gah)
In 15 minutes I’m calling Logan’s Steak house and ordering her a giant Steak and all the fixings…When she gets home at 10pm she is going to be freaked out…and relaxed..
You don’t raise 5 kids and stay together by being an asshole to the love of your life…You spoil love…Just saying…Lawdy..I love Logans Hot bread and butter…:)